New Holland Early
Learning Center
The Center, which was started in 1981
as a ministry of New Holland Mennonite Church,
has grown to more than 100 children.
Mission and Vision
In an age of broken homes, single parent households,
and increasing stress on family life, we believe we have a
responsibility as a church to assist families in the care of children.
• We believe a center where children are assured safe and healthful care and where all aspects of development and growth are promoted can contribute to happier and stronger family relationships.
• We believe it is consistent with our Christian faith to have a qualified and caring staff who is available for counsel and encouragement to parents in times of need.
• We believe family life can be strengthened through the opportunity to instill in children values of love, compassion, trust, race and ethnic understanding, and belief in God."
Our Goals
• To instill in the children values of love, compassion, trust, tolerance, ethical understanding and belief in God.
• To help children live in harmony with other children and value the rights and feelings for each other.
• To encourage communication between home and the Center so that parents and teachers are partners in the children's experience.
• To design a program that meets children at their developmental level and changes according to individual and group needs and interests.
• To help children accept the limitations of themselves and others.