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"New Holland Mennonite Church is situated within a small town in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Within borough limits, the congregation emerged as a unique Mennonite expression in contrast to the surrounding rural Mennonite environment. New Holland Mennonite provides a setting to find God's Spirit at work in the midst of sociological, cultural, and even theological changes."


1900-1920: Mennonites moved into town


1910: Mennonite meetings began in the New Holland Methodist Episcopal Church building on Sunday evenings


1913: Women organized a sewing circle with a new emphasis on concern for the lost, materially and spiritually.


1915: Sunday School established on Sunday afternoons.


1922: Services begin on Sunday mornings in a newly built church on Roberts Avenue.


November 18, 1923: A group of fifty-five people voted unanimously to organize as a congregation and call a minister from among the active participants. Noah N. Sauder received the call as pastor.


1934: Mahlon Witmer associate pastor


1941-1947: Daniel Sensening associate pastor


1958-1977: Frank Shirk pastor


1947: James Martin associate pastor


1970-1977: Daniel Sensenig associate pastor


1974: New larger building was finished on Western Avenue and New Holland Spanish Mennonite Church bought the building on Roberts Avenue.


1975: Bob A. Martin associate pastor


1980: C. Nevin Miller became the first fulltime paid pastor


1981: James Musser, half-time youth pastor


1981: A Day Care was started as a ministry of the church. "In an age of broken homes, single parent households, and increasing stress on family life, we believe we have the responsbility as a church to assist families in the care of children."


1983-1988: Charles S. Good served as pastor


1989-2002: Clyde Kratz served as pastor


1990's: A joint yearly worship service and congregational fellowship meal started with New Holland Spanish Mennonite Church.


1993: Outdoor Community Worship services followed by a picnic meal began.


2000: Congregation begins support of Beryl Forrester in West Africa.


2002-2013: Ron and Judy Zook served as pastors


2004: The youth groups from New Holland, Groffdale, and Village Chapel merged. (The Spanish Mennonite youth joined a few years later).


2009: Jenn and Wade Esbenshade took the youth group from New Holland and other district churches to Guatemala.


2014: Dawn Ranck-Hower hired as pastor.


2016: Congregation joined Atlantic Coast Conference: A Conference of Mennonite Church USA.


2019: The Congregation moved from traditional membership to an Annual Membership Covenant. First Covenant Sunday was on February 24, 2019.


2019: A Community Garden was planted. Expanded in 2020.


2021: Benches removed from sanctuary


2023: New Core Values adopted / LGBTQIA Statement Adopted


— Excerpts until 1997 taken from "A People on the Way: History of the New Holland Mennonite Church: Seventy-Five Years 1922-1997" by Darvin L. Martin

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